Across 23,000 square feet, Black Diamond Advanced Technology (BDATech) has established fully-rounded and robust interconnected operations across the spectrum - from industry leading sales and customer service, to world-class branding and marketing, to forward-thinking business and product development, and beyond. We have built a broad international reputation on the strength of our cutting-edge high-volume manufacturing and advanced research & development and testing laboratories. The Company is AS 9100 D 2016, and ISO 9001-2015 certified. State-of-the-art facilities give BDATech the ability to centralize and guide each phase of the product lifecycle, from inception to design to development to testing to manufacturing and beyond.
Black Diamond Advanced Technology (BDATech) has been assessed and approved by National Quality Assurance, U.S.A., against the provisions of AS 9100 D 2016 that includes ISO 9001-2015, certifying the company's Quality Management System.